Academic Programs

Preschool Program
KG 1 to KG 3

The Preschool program is based on the following beliefs relating to preschool children, their learning, and their home and community environments. 

  • Preschool children arrive from diverse backgrounds and with a variety of experiences. Our program provides learning experiences that meet individual needs, interests and developmental levels. Support is provided to children with special learning needs to help them increase their potential for learning.
  • Preschool children are naturally curious and eager to explore and learn about their surrounding environment. Learning is enhanced by interaction and cooperation with others, including adults and their peers. Through interaction, organized activities and purposeful play in the Preschool program, children explore and experiment with their environment to add to their knowledge, learn new skills, and practice familiar ones.
  • Parents play a key role in the lives of their children. Preschool parents and teachers form a partnership to support learning at home and at school. We ensure that the values and beliefs of the home are acknowledged.

How do preschool children develop?

Preschool children are developing socially, physically, cognitively, creatively and emotionally. All these developmental areas are related to and dependent on one another. The early years of a child’s development is a time of rapid cognitive growth and development. The enhancement of cognitive abilities is influenced by social, physical, creative and emotional growth. The Preschool program provides learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of all children. Children move through similar stages, at their own rate of development and learning.